I love a good game but am a blog amateur. I only know a couple of fellow bloggers so it will have to stop with me.
1. I apparently snore (oh wait... that was already revealed)
2. I sang at the Kennedy Center twice.
3. I am a firefighter (although, the only thing I learned from that is the rodents have it right by running out of a burning building).
4. I delivered my friends baby in her hallway floor.
5. My mother nailed my bedroom windows shut when I was 14.
6. I was pulled on stage by Chubby Checker at a concert in Ocean City because he liked the way I 'twisted'.
I have no idea how I am going to think of 5 more things about myself before Mommapalooza... I've lived such a sheltered life!
Wow. Wow. Wow. This IS a good game. How interesting. I had no idea.
How old were you when you twisted with Chubby Checker? Too cool! :)
What did you sing at the Kennedy Center?
I believe I was barely 20 when I danced with Chubby Checker. He was old ER but I was the only one on stage with him.
The Kennedy Center thing sounds much more exciting than it really was. I was in an all-state honors choir and I was in middle school. It was cool to be there but I was among 100 or so other children. I was one of the specks in the soprano section.
Why couldn't the game have been 5 things about our mother. I could have rattled those off.
You are in so much trouble mommy!!!!!! You didn't tell me you where a firefighter. By the why I can tell you a few things about my mother.
Yeeeessss. Do go Aheeeaaad. We're Listening....
We're all ears Sarah!
Sweetie, why don't you come on over and you and Bitsy and I will have a girls night? We can paint our nails and do each other's hair and hear all the stuff you have to say about your Mom, k?
So if I go into labor during CHAP Fall 07 you will be there right? Although I have delivered 3, one I pulled out of me after the shoulders were delivered and another was all natural so I am thinking I might be able to just do this one on my own....although it will be nice to have back-up:)
Mommy everyone knows you snor.
Great work.
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