Last night I spent the evening with my dearest friend Lisa. I have often thought of myself as having obsessive tendencies. I like to have my towels folded a certain way and pointed the same direction. I group my soups and canned veggies with like cans. I realize I am actually quite tame in comparisson after a night with Lisa. Lisa has opened my eyes!
Before I begin, let me take this opportunity to add a disclaimer. I obtained permission from the alleged obsessor herself prior to posting.
1. The lint brushes- I have a lint brush. I use it sometimes when I'm wearing a sweater, heading to church and I'm taking care of a few last minute details. My husband uses it to remove dog hair from his uniforms on his way out the door. I have had the same lintbrush since we moved into the house in October. Lisa lint brushes her headboard and pillows with a swiftness like none I have seen before. When she ran out of tape... it was okay... she had a SIX-PACK of lint brushes in reserve. Some can go through a six-pack of beer in an evening of fun... Lisa... lint brushes. Is that impressive or what?
2. Swivel Sweeper patrol- For those who know Lisa, you are already aware of her sweeper habit. What I didn't know was that it ran much deeper than that. Not only does she have one swivel sweeper... she has 2 with back up charger packs and a "Shark" which truly lives up to its title because you can hear it coming.

3. Breakfast- Oh what to fix for breakfast? Well, we have no eggs. You certainly can't make bacon without eggs. How 'bout pancakes or waffles. No, again no eggs. I know, lets have twinkie sundaes!!!! It was just too late last night to have a sundae before bed because we had just returned from a Wal-mart shopping frenzy. You cannot deny a child's sundae... they earned it.
Every endevor is followed by clean-up time. This is intensive group time. No corner is left undone. No crumb left behind thanks to the handy dandy sweeper, the shark, and lint brushes. Time is of the utmost importance because we are always off the the next endeavor. I love Lisa! There is so much I can learn from her. I now realize that I have been doing it wrong all along.
I think Lisa may have missed her true calling in life "Lisa's Organize-your-life-so-you-have-time-to-do-everything" business. Of course, the first client would have to be me.