Welcome to my blog! I'm Jhonni. I live in Welcome, hence the title 'Welcome home'. I am the mother of 2 beautiful children who I refer to as "the troops". Matthew is 10 and Sarah is 8 going on 18. I've been married for 11 years.
I like to think of myself as a terrible writer so it is an incredible stretch for me to even attempt blogging. Perhaps in the future I will improve at least in my minds eye. My hubby is the more articulate person in our family. He also has a great recall mem0ry... me... not so much. This makes for some pretty one-sided arguments.
I live next door to my mother. I could probably spend an entire day talking about her. Her nickname is "Top Dawg" or "Top Sergeant" because she is a very aggressive woman. She is a police officer and has the personality to back it up. She is fun to watch because she likes to act before she thinks and I can tell you she has a very creative mind. She loves to start projects without an actual solution. She is sort of a "by-the-britches" figure it out as she goes along type.
Once, she woke up and decided that she wanted a country kitchen. My father woke to the sound of my mother and a sledgehammer (bad combo) taking out the wall separating the kitchen and diningroom. He walked into the kitchen and found my mom and what appeared to be the aftermath of a small explosion (loose wires, large hole, debris, etc.) complete with flying dust. "Uh Ronna... what are you planning to do with all those live wires?" My mom could only reply,"I'm not sure." With that, my dad quietly walked out of the room.
My dad is, however, her polar opposite. He too was a police officer but they called him a teddy bear. He is always trying to make people laugh, cuddly, kind, and very logical. Not one for confrontations or really anything that can't fix itself quickly. They really balance one another very well. I hope I've been able to take a good combination of my parents. My hubby feels I've inherited a few too many of my mom's 'gifts'.
I like to think of myself as a terrible writer so it is an incredible stretch for me to even attempt blogging. Perhaps in the future I will improve at least in my minds eye. My hubby is the more articulate person in our family. He also has a great recall mem0ry... me... not so much. This makes for some pretty one-sided arguments.
I live next door to my mother. I could probably spend an entire day talking about her. Her nickname is "Top Dawg" or "Top Sergeant" because she is a very aggressive woman. She is a police officer and has the personality to back it up. She is fun to watch because she likes to act before she thinks and I can tell you she has a very creative mind. She loves to start projects without an actual solution. She is sort of a "by-the-britches" figure it out as she goes along type.
Once, she woke up and decided that she wanted a country kitchen. My father woke to the sound of my mother and a sledgehammer (bad combo) taking out the wall separating the kitchen and diningroom. He walked into the kitchen and found my mom and what appeared to be the aftermath of a small explosion (loose wires, large hole, debris, etc.) complete with flying dust. "Uh Ronna... what are you planning to do with all those live wires?" My mom could only reply,"I'm not sure." With that, my dad quietly walked out of the room.
My dad is, however, her polar opposite. He too was a police officer but they called him a teddy bear. He is always trying to make people laugh, cuddly, kind, and very logical. Not one for confrontations or really anything that can't fix itself quickly. They really balance one another very well. I hope I've been able to take a good combination of my parents. My hubby feels I've inherited a few too many of my mom's 'gifts'.
Welcome (hee, hee) to the blogosphere. I look forward to reading your posts and bonding with you even more.
Love ya!
I absolutely must meet your mother!
Okay, Jhonni:
I love it! I can so definitely hear you talking. You tell a great story.
Man, I can't wait to hear more about your family. I'm really looking forward to getting to know Ronna when Bitsy takes the acrylics class in CHAP.
Seems like you're the perfect combination of your parents, cuz, uh, you are sooooo the perfect you.
Hope things go well with Stacy's dad.
Hey, no more negative talk about your blog cred. I can't wait for the next post.
Uh, I always wondered what it would be like to have my identity stolen.
Its kinda creepy, but it seems like it coulda been a lot worse.
Oops. My bad. Well, really, your bad, Jim. Log out much? I just wonder where else I posted as you. Mwaa haaa haaaa.
So, Jhonni, the comment starting with "Okay, Jhonni" was from Lisa, not Jim. Confused?
Nice going Jim, confuse the new blogger.
Jhonni - sorry, I was just kidding. Jim would NEVER do anything to confuse you. He is simply the GREATEST guy. Ever.
Yeah! Jhonnis' got her blog on. Wahoo! Now I have another place to go to distract me... and one more person to get to know a little better. I'm looking forward to all our stories about Mommapalooza... realizing we can't actually say what happened. It will be fun! Love you lady!
I am glad you have joined in the fun.
Congratulations on reaching beyond your comfort zone. I decree no negative self-talk on your blog. A gift and an edict from Susu.
Oh, no you di'ent! Looks like you went and created an account with Lisa as a screen name. Huh. Then you posted that "Jim is the greatest guy ever" comment?
Really, dude, that's just wrong. That is purposeful misappropriation of identity with intent to defraud. That's actionable. That's just plain scary.
What's scarier? You're up at 1:58 a.m. stealing my identity. Dude, you need medication. Seriously. I'm worried about you. Get some help, would you?
From the REAL Lisa (and you can trust it's the real me cuz I know the secret word: breadsticks)
Hi Jhonni, I think the ex-police officer in me would like to hear more about both Mom and Dad :) Great blog.
You know, I've been thinking (I hear you people saying, uh oh!) . . .
So, remember at playgroup when Jim said he didn't know what would happen if Pat and I ever met up, but he's sure it would be something scary?
Here's a thought to keep Jim up at night (you know, when he's tired of stealing online identities and posting as others)---
Let's hook up Pat and Jhonni. THAT, I wanna see. Afterward, I'd like to see Jim, shaking in the corner. Now, that, my friends, sounds like some good, wholesome fun. Who's in?
uhh..... uh..
There is no way in the world I'd ever let my sister corrupt our Jhonni.
I think I need voting rights on this one; either that or fly down for play group.
Oh, yeah. You have an open invitation! Please do!
Still, I really think we need a class outing to Maine, in the summer.
All those in favor of a field trip to Maine...
I love each and every one of you (multiple tears)!
Bring on the roadtrip - Maine in the summer - oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about...
Hey Jhonni - first blog and 18 comments. Cool beans.
Trust me, Pat, our Jhonni is hot. And she's a nurse. Our hot Nurse Jhonni. See what I'm saying?
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