It appears I have entered the chauffeur stage in the lives of my children.

Sarah is taking on more dance classes every year. I spend three days a week shuttling her to and from classes. This year she will be performing 7 dances in her recital in June and competing 5 of the 7 songs. It is also her first year in a duet. She is already in jazz, swing, lyrical and ballet but after a weekend in Wash, DC. at this years Tremaine dance convention she has decided that she also likes hip-hop. Huh... Sarah in hip-hop... really?

Matthew, on the other hand, had been indecisive about what he wanted to do as an extracurricular activity until this summer. We tried to interest him in karate, softball or soccer but... no deal.

Finally, this summer we talked him into a week of theater camp at the local community theater. He had taken an improv class with his home school group during co-op and he knew a couple of kids from piano that would be there so if he didn't enjoy it... only a week... no harm, no foul as my dear friend Lisa says. After all... how many times do you live?
Boy, what did Robb and I get ourselves into! I think we've created a monster.

Here comes my point....
I was so excited! Finally, we had found something that Matthew could call his own. How hard can it be? Practice... what... once or twice a week. Maybe, a few extra practices when it gets closer to opening night. We can handle it, especially if Matthew had something to get him out of the house.
Let me tell you, he has had rehearsal two to three times a week since September and not on the same days as Sarah's classes! I have gained a whole new appreciation for community theater. He makes Sarah seem like the homebody now.
He has been at the theater almost every night for the past two weeks. Each night with an average of four to five hours and ALL day on Saturdays. I think I spent less miles and time away from the house when I was in Columbia doing co-op every week than I am now and the theater and dance studio are only ten minutes away.

Don't take this the wrong way, I am so proud and excited for Matthew and Sarah. They both work very hard and I have seen more growth and independence out of them this past year than ever before. I used to laugh when I heard parents talk about their lives as a taxi service and thought, "Really, how hard can it be?"